Belfast Writers’ Group has a set of core members that attend our face-to-face meetings, as well as general members of our Facebook Group. Below are details of our core members who have signed up to our constitution.

Kerry Buchanan has had several different careers: from veterinary surgeon to sub-editor for a veterinary education company; from research assistant to ICT teacher; from running a stable yard to writing fiction. You really couldn’t make it up.

These days she writes stories set in worlds and galaxies a long way from our own, using every minute she can spare from being carer to her elderly father and three children. She lives on a farm in rural County Down, surrounded by animals, and says there could be no better inspiration for her novels and short stories than the views outside her window.

Kerry has had numerous short stories published, both online and in print, has won or been placed in some writing competitions, and is currently seeking representation for her fantasy trilogy, which is set in fifth century Britain.

Links: Website, Facebook, Twitter

Erin Burnett is the author of Christian fiction for children and young adults. Her first novel, Liza’s Avenger, has been a bestseller in the Amazon charts.

Links: Website, Facebook

Valerie Christie lives in Belfast and is the author of historical novella The Blossom of the Soul. She enjoys yoga, practicing mindfulness, walks in the park, and colouring books.

Links: Blog, Twitter

Lynda Collins has been writing for longer than she cares to admit, as she still sometimes thinks that she’s only sixteen.

Previously, she wrote a lot of short stories, but recently she’s been attempting longer works, to mixed success. Her current novel was inspired by the short story in the BWG Anthology, Creatures and Curiosities.

Links: Blog, Twitter

David Doherty-Jebb was born in Germany, but was raised in Lurgan in Northern Ireland. During this time, he became an avid reader of the magical, monstrous and mysterious, starting a lifelong love of the weird and geekish.

After studying at the University of Stirling, he spent a few years helping Spaniards develop a Lurgan accent in Madrid as an English teacher.

However, on his return to our fair island, he knuckled down to become a writer in earnest, with a lot of support and friendship from the Belfast Writers’ Group.

He currently lives in Newtownards with his husband.

Links: Twitter

Holly Ferres lives in Belfast where she attended creative writing courses. She is a member of the Belfast Writers’ Group and has contributed short stories to three anthologies. She hopes to write a novel based on the dynamics of family generations. She enjoys choral singing.

Steve Herron writes under the name James Samuel McKay. To go along with the made-up name, he has a fantastical bio on his website that isn’t to be believed.

In real life, he is married to Ellie.

Links: Blog, FacebookTwitter

Ellie Rose McKee is a writer from Northern Ireland. She has had a number of poems and short stories published and has been blogging for over ten years, since her time at university. Currently, Ellie seeking representation for her debut novel.

Links: Website, Facebook, Twitter

Cathy Reilly is an accountant originally from Lurgan. She now lives in Belfast where she is fighting a losing battle with her love of books. She is an avid reader and has been writing for many years.